Wednesday 18 May 2011

Assignment 5 - Graphic Novel

Our 5th Assignment is a graphic novel, 12 pages with added front and back, to be published online on!

Well, never done this before, but going to approach it in the same way as approaching the novels we've done in the past.

A lot of information for this has been gathered over the two terms, with the research that has been done with each subsequent brief. Which has also helped with the development of a story.

The following scans show the development of the project - enjoy!?!

want to illustrate how people are buried in their own circumstances, how they can be hard to reach, to get through to

like the texture on the top sample, feel that images placed on this would illustrate life's complexities, and textures

staines kitchen roll here, and roughly sketched image over with twig in ink, kitchen roll used as it has texture and it's a part of everyday life.

Another try at getting my character illustrated in a way that is sympathetic to his circumstances. I've again drawn him roughly with a twig dipped in ink, the covered him with layers of tissue paper, over a textured pad made of crumpled tissue paper layered together with water and pva mix to get a thick base.

I like the way the ink bleeds through the tissue paper here, and that the tissue 'muffles' the underlying image

planning the story

The illustrations

with ink washes applied

haven't used these coloured versions of the illustrations in the finals as I feel the plain black ink evokes the sense of bleakness necessary

got some mullberry paper, for texture

then put it all together

and it can be seen on

As it's a tale that involves life's cycles, I've made a hard copy as a Flexagon Book to illustrate spirals, cycles, etc

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